Current Affairs / Current Affairs (English Language)

06 July 2018

Q.1: Which state has ordered A Mandatory Dope Test for all Govt. Jobs?

Q.2: World's first All Digital Art Museum situated in?

Q.3: What is the new name of Sports Authority of India (SAI)?

Q.4: Annpurna Milk Scheme launched in which state?

Q.5: Vande Matram song taken from which book?

Q.6: In the history of T-20 Cricket which player scored highest individual score?

Q.7: Union Govt. give its approval to Rename which Airport as Maharaja Bir Bikram Manikya Kishore Airport?

Q.8: Who was the First Chief Justice of India?

Q.9: Hirakund Dam situated in which state?

Q.10: International Tourism day celebrated on?

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