Current Affairs / Current Affairs (English Language)

12 June 2018

Q.1: What is the full form of CVV?

Q.2: Dal Lake situated in which Indian state?

Q.3: The Great Indian Bustard bird sancturay situated in which state?

Q.4: Who has been elected as President of the 73rd United Nations General Assembly?

Q.5: Lal Bahadur Shastri Stadium situated in which city?

Q.6: Ibrahima Kassory Fofana has been appointed President of which country?

Q.7: Prajnesh Gunneswaram is related to which field?

Q.8: Which team has won Vijaya Hazare Trophy 2018?

Q.9: Where is the Headquarter of Corporation Bank?

Q.10: Who is the Chairman of the Parlimantry Standing Committee on Finance?

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