Current Affairs / Current Affairs (English Language)

10 Aug 2018

Q.1: Birsa Munda Airport situated in which state?

Q.2: Khanchendzonga Biosphere Reserve is located in?

Q.3: Public sector banks non-performing assets declined by ......... in FY18 due to write-offs, including compromise settlement.

Q.4: Who has been appointed on RBI Board by GOI?

Q.5: 51st Asian Foreign Ministers meeting held in which country?

Q.6: K.L. Rahul (Player) related to which sports?

Q.7: Biskek is the capital of which country?

Q.8: Which state has launched the Mukhyamantri Kanya Utthan Yojna?

Q.9: World Aids Day celebrated on?

Q.10: Who launched the Niryat-Mitra app in New Delhi?

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