Current Affairs / Current Affairs (English Language)

11 Aug 2018

Q.1: Which payment bank RBI has barred adding new customers since the end of May?

Q.2: Bmako is the capital of which country?

Q.3: Who has been appointed as the Chairperson of National Women Commission?

Q.4: Pema Khandu is the chief minister of which state?

Q.5: Who is the Author of 'Bebak Baat'?

Q.6: Silchar Airport situated in which state?

Q.7: Where is the headquarter of Telecom Regulatory Authority of India?

Q.8: Who has been appointed the Vice President of Rajyasabha?

Q.9: Smriti Mandana (Player) related to which sports?

Q.10: Bio Fuel day celebrated on?

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