Current Affairs / Current Affairs (English Language)

21 Aug 2018

Q.1: Which city is situated on the river of Koyyal river?

Q.2: Bharatnatayam Classical dance is belongs to which state

Q.3: Helina Anti Tank Guided Missile successfully tested by which country?

Q.4: Maitree Joint Military Exercise between India and which country?

Q.5: The Thal Favang kut festival is celebrated in?

Q.6: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day celebrated on?

Q.7: Who has won first gold medal from India in South Asian Games 2018 at Jakarta?

Q.8: Pakke tiger reserve situated is in which state?

Q.9: Leu is the currency of which country?

Q.10: Which Indian player wins gold medal in 10 Metre Air Pistol?

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